Tuesday, March 8, 2011

200. Thirty Dollar Date Night

Check out this fabulous blog from the equally fabulous Emma Merkas.

Simply great ways to enjoy somme romance with your love without the excuse of not being able to afford it!

Her blog even includes a best of top ten that is amazing!!

This is the link..


Simply one of the best blogs I have read all year X

Saturday, January 15, 2011

199. All Gardens Need Care

This picture of a gorgeous garden could represent all your relationships if you are prepared to put in appropiate effort.

All friendships would benefit from a cards mailed to just say I love you, a sms sent just to say you're in my thoughts or flowers for no reason at all except to tell your friend or relative you love them that much.

If I am invited to someone's house for dinner and they say don't bring anything - I take bread and milk.

They can always use it the next day or freeze it til they need it and with just a smidgen of effort, they know I am grateful and respectful of their dinner invitation and it costs me less than $5.

All gardens, not just Adam & Eve's need tending too - this would be a good year to remember that.

198. Hiatus

I'm baaaaccckkkk...

Bashful apologies about my absence. I can confirm I am indeed back for good!

I can also confirm that I've been busy - and have loads of wisdom to share..

Happy New Year!!