Wednesday, December 30, 2009

44. New Year Resolutions

Next year I plan to

1) Send less emails and write more letters
2) Be much nicer more often to my FMM
3) Take my make up off every night before I go to sleep
4) Eat more watermelon
5) Read even more books
16) Go to even more movies by myself

Bring on 2010!!!

Write and tell me what yours are -

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

43. Best Advice Ever

I did'nt come up with this advice but it applies to everyone. For every reason.

"If you want something different to what you have always been getting, you need to do something different to get it"

Or something like that.. you get the idea.

42. Alone Time

If the idea of going to the movies by yourself or taking yourself fot coffee chills you to the bone.. you need to stop and think.

Why would any clever, handsome, interesting man want to date you with if you don't want to date yourself?

I've been known to take myself to two movies, one after the other and then a cocktail - its deliciously libertaing!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

41. Ode from Obama

Michelle Obama gave a recent interview on Oprah where she was asked what the secret was to her successful marriage with Barack.

The glamourous Mrs Obama said "when you pick someone to date or marry, you have to really, really like them as a person.

What they stand for and who they are. Then when they make you really, really mad... which is going to happen, you are always going to get through it!"

Vote one from me for Michelle.

Friday, December 25, 2009

40. Small Stuff, Don't Sweat It

Today can be a stressful day.

Early mornings, a late night the night before, alcohol, expenses, great Aunt Gwen and her bad temper etc etc..

Let it wash over you, you don't know what next year will be like and who will even be around.

Today - choose to hug it out rather than fight!

To all my friends and family, I feel blessed to have you.


Thursday, December 24, 2009


Dear Readers

Wishing you a very Merry and safe Christmas Day!

Best regards,


38. E-Male

I often receive emails asking for stories on how people met so I have decided to share a favorite one of mine!

Ten years after leaving school, my friend Tania recieved one of those joke group emails, the type that is sent to loads of different people at once.

Also receiving the email was Sam, a guy Tania went to school with.

Moments later, Sam sent Tania his own email asking her how she was after all these years.

Sam, who was then based in London, continued the email flirtation for several months until he was due home to Oz where he asked Tania out for coffee.

He is still here... with his wife Tania and their three gorgeous kids!

Pays to read those group emails after all..

If you have a story that you want to share, please email me at

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

37. Rough Landings

Whilst I am a huge fan of sparks and butterflies when it comes to love, long term love will need more.

Need further proof?

When asked if she would marry her husband of 35 years again (after 4 children, 3 hectic but successful businesses, lots of family drama, tragedy and heartache), a wise woman said to me "No, he is not a safe place to fall"

See how your man acts in a crisis that doesn't affect him - the truth about the future doesn't get any clearer than that.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

36. Get to Mars Occasionally

Unless you have a FMM (favorite male mind) that you can trust to be frank and honest, like I do - I can understand that it might be very hard to know what on earth is going on inside their heads.

I do however have a few small tips.

1) Read FHM, Ralph, Men's Health or infact any mag you see a man leaf through for longer than six minutes.

2) Watch Transformers, Transformers 2, MTV or infact any tv show you see a man hooked on

3) Read daily

Remember that magazines like Cosmo and Cleo are edited by women, so are not as blunt and truthful as men are...

NB Please note that Cosmo and Cleo magazine are like air to me and I am not suggesting not reading them altogether.

35. Obey The Code

I am immediately concerned about any woman that struggles to maintain long friendships with other women.

Alarmed infact.

I will ask any girl straight up, who tells me they are unable to have non-destructive relationships with men, just how their gal pals are.

If the answer is "I don't really have any female friends" - it's time for serious reflection.

A friendship between two women is based on trust, respect and honesty.

A friendship between a man and a woman is sometimes (before the feedback starts..) about sex. Even if its not her, he wants to sleep with, but her other female friends.

A healthy friendship between two women is generally balanced, with the two women receiving mutual benefits from the friendship.

And you cannot put on a bikini and pull the wool over their eyes.

If you do not have friendships like this and instead, your bff past looks like a car wreck of betrayal and tears, a serious talking to is needed.

You need to know how to win your own kind over first, before a man will get serious about you.

You are just too scary otherwise.

Monday, December 21, 2009

34. For C

33. Mirror Mirror Update....

I have received a flood of emails already about my Mirror Mirror post ...

Therefore I am elaborating. I am not on TW's side. But..

Women with children have a very hard job, I don't doubt that.

However, it seems a common theme is to give less time to the husband and themselves when the new arrivals arrive.

I don't have the answer except to say that it is important to EVERYONE, especially the children, for the mother to make time for the husband as well.

If that sounds too hard, then you are putting your relationship in the too hard basket, too easily.

And you deserve what's coming.

If anyone has any ideas, feedback or just general commentary on the above, I would love to hear it - please drop me a line at

32. Pledge

I pledge to write one new post every day from this day forward.

I have been very busy researching, researching, researching....

New posts coming soon!!

31. Mirror Mirror

It's perhaps too early but at some stage Elin Woods will need to relect.

I do not condone Tiger Woods behaviour however as the old saying goes "It always takes two to tango"

Reccommended reading is "The Truth About Cheating" by M. Gary Neuman.

1 out of 3 men will cheat at some stage and 98% of them said it wasn't about the sex, but about the loneliness and how they felt in the relationship.

Something to think about today...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

30. Ms Marjorie Daw, Spinster.

I received an email this morning from a reader who declared she was giving away her latest date as he didn't give her enough attention.

I called in the help of a guy pal and asked what did men deem "enough attention" in those early dating stages.

I spoke to my woeful girlfriend again and I was left only with this.

Those two friends of mine should never meet, let alone date.

And thats the answer isn't it.

There are no real hard and fast rules, in the early stages, about what either the man or the woman should or shouldn't do.

It's really about finding someone who wants the same things you do, hence evening out the see-saw.

I suggest if you are in the same situation as my friend, pick 3 things you don't like about the new guy you are dating and thinking of dumping, and then pick 5 things you do.

Still feel the same way?

Be careful that you don't miss out on the conversation you have been waiting to have your entire life by jumping up and down too much on your end of the teeter-totter.

29. For Fat's Sake!!

"Just overheard a guy talking about his girlfriend on the train "she's getting fatter everytime I see her"...

And so reads the status of my best friend.

Boys, when you notice your girlfriend getting too big for her bikini - ask her to join you at the gym, make her a salad, take her camping, buy her a bike for her birthday, take up salsa dancing together or better yet, buy her flowers every day for a week. And then buy her perfume. Before you know it, she will be wanting to have alot of sex with you. Best fat burning activity ever!!

And girls, when your boyfriend asks you to exercise with him, it's because he wants to spend time with you and be seen with you. Do not turn him down. Get off the couch and go and do it. New Years Eve is only 21 sleeps away...

Non-fat food for thought from Bart, a guy friend of mine "If a guy thinks a girl is a 5/10 on the attractive scale, the moment she starts working out, she instantly jumps to a 7"

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

28. Porn Again

Today I received an email from a reader who was frustrated about her boyfriend watching porn. My reader was feeling rather left out. I suggested the following game for two..

Next time, your man wants to watch strangers get it on, let him know you want to join him.

However, for the first half of hour of the viewing... neither of you can touch each other or yourselves. Then next time, change the rules slightly so he can't touch you at all until its over. You, on the other hand, are free to do as you please.

I guarantee you will definitely feel like a major star of the show.

NB The viewing of pornographic material involving anyone under the age of 18 is illegal and the Relationship Dr does not condone it.

27. Nothing Tastes As Good As Skinny Feels?

How about not having a drug habit KM?

I'm not a fan. I have a friend who is - she also quoted to me last week "everyone is entitled to their opinion"

Okay.. so then was Stalin. And his friend Hitler.

That debate aside - I come to another point.

The thing about outlandish statements, even when followed by the usually insincere "I know its wrong to say this but..." - is that the people that you are saying them to are quietly judging you and passing it on in a way that is ruining your personal PR.

And whilst you might think your statements are nothing, the hot new guy that hears it from your friend, who is a friend of a friend, and doesn't know that you are also funny, clever, kind and warm, starts to know you as the girl who worships Kate Moss and hates fat people.

Need further proof? I have a friend whom I adore. On occasion though, she can be incredibly ignorant. She announced to me a few months ago that she believed that Australia wouldn't have any crime issues if we "stopped letting Indian people into Aus"

For me and lots of others... there is many, many things wrong with that statement, so whilst I smiled politely and told her I didn't really agree with her, the next time I was on the phone with my uber hot guy friend, I let go about said crazy statement.

A few weeks later, my hot guy friend is single and looking to date - I tell him he would be perfect for this friend of mine. Unfortunately its the Indian hater.. And so my guy friend tells me I am dreaming, he doesnt even want to meet her let alone date her.

I feel a twinge of guilt as I think other than that, they would have had alot of fun... but the damage is already done.

Seriously girls - pick your muse carefully and watch your mouth. Or get ready to watch alot of epsiodes of The Hills next Valentines Day

23. Dear Reader....

26. 3250

I sincerely apologise for being absent for almost a week. I have been in the country!

The country (in this case a little town about 2 hours west of Melbourne) it seems, is teaming with eligible bachelors looking for women to meet and marry.

Good, honest, hardworking stock who are looking for an equal companion to do more than fair their share of the cooking and cleaning for them. As well as breed future generations of farmers, in return for a stable life in a big homestead and a tractor or two.

Ok, that might just have put fear into your heart.. well wait just a corn picking minute.

There are lots of bonuses when it comes to a country guy - they not big on computer games for start, preferring, to be outside, so there is no arguing about when is he going to stop playing World of Warcraft and come and play with you. (I receive soo many emails about this relationship issue!!)

Plus they are strong, have great forearms, are kind to animals and like children.

One very handsome single farmer, that I had several late night discussions about romance and relationships with, even confessed to knowing quite a bit about Sex and the City (verbatim.. " it was so good when Big went to rescue Carrie from France" ...)

Plus they like their food and I have a very good theory on men, appetites and healthy sex drives.

Now I am totally aware that might still not sound not like your cup of milky Bushell's..

And truth is, above all, the message is this - you should not rely on convention to find your soul shaker.. Just because you are city girl, do not cross these great country guys off your list just yet. At least not until you have met a few.

After all some of history's greatest ever love stories were oh so very unconventional..

Thursday, December 3, 2009

25. Bring Sexy Back

What do you wear to bed? What do you lounge around the house in? What do you wear under your work clothes? Does your answer contain adjectives like comfy, old, cotton and the occasional cartoon character?


Go to your room right now and throw it all out! What on earth are you saving the good stuff for?

Get it out of the drawer and on you!! Do not wear them again.

If you are struggling to feel sexy on a daily basis, then dressing frumpy underneath won't help you at all!!

Need further proof?

Last week, my recently dumped but very gorgeous friend purchased some lovely Victoria Secret lingerie including stockings and mandatory suspender belts.

When she called to tell me they had arrived, she added that she couldn't wait to show them off to someone next time she had a boyfriend. I berated her immediately. Told her to get them out of her underwear and to wear them to work.

Obediantly, the next day she woke up and put them on under her suit. When she walked into her workplace with an extra swagger in her step, her colleagues noticed the uplift in her attitude. So did the extremely hot guy from Accounts.

NB The best news is that you don't need to spend a fortune on all your sexy lingerie. With designers like Collette Dinnegan now stocking at Target (her range includes French knickers, corsets, chemises, plunge bras, briefs and boy shorts in champagne, cream, raspberry, black and chocolate) there is now something even for the budget conscious...

24. Can A Tiger Ever Change His Spots?

I received quite a few emails from readers yesterday after my last post asking why cheating wasn't always a deal breaker.

Again I think its a very personal decision that can only be made by the person directly involved ie you.

Once you get through the awful first stage of finding out and have talked it over with your partner, the next stage of getting on with it, is just as hard.

If you do decide to trust him again, then this means that you have to learn to not question him every time he doesn't answer when you call or sms. And you have to really, try to not get mad at him when he has a new mysterious woman facebook friend.

However, the onus also has to be on your partner to make an effort to regain your trust by not giving you too many reasons to be suspcious.

If he is making a huge effort, then you need to decide if the punishment on you fits the crime.. Does being with him still make you really, really happy? Do you really believe him when he says it won't happen again? Are you still in love with him?

Only you can truly know the answer to that..

NB I'd advise against staying with someone you do not trust just because you have kids. A friend of mine (whose parents didn't divorce after the love was gone) once said to me "If your parents are fighting every day, your home is already broken"

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

23. What's Your Deal Breaker?

It me astounds what different women will and won't put up with.

Today I was a spectactor at a Magistrates Court. I witnessed a young lady who was present on a very serious charge relating to a drug of independance.

She was facing jail. Afterwards, as she was led away into custody, she declared her love for her still asleep partner.

On another scale, I am also suprised when women turn a blind eye to cheating, lying, and gambling or partners that swear at them and call them stupid on a daily basis.

I guess they are my deal breakers however.

Everyone will have different ones, but I really believe that for everyone, the deal should be off if your partner no longer makes you happy.

Or perhaps, its not about having someone else make you feel happy. Perhaps its about thinking you are worth being treated with respect.

Guess what, that starts with you showing yourself respect first.

Monday, November 30, 2009

22. Recommended Reading...

Let me know your feedback or just email me in general at

Sunday, November 29, 2009

21. Practice Makes Perfect

I am always suprised when women say to me that they treat their partners badly because they can.

"He lets me get away with it but it doesn't really matter as I'm not that into him anyway"

Okay.. Apart from sounding like a complete bitch, the problem is this.

Learned behaviour.

If you treat someome badly, even if you think its ok because they are not your one, this bad behaviour will become second nature. And you will not know how to behave appropiately when you meet your soul shaker.

Need further proof?

A friend of mine dated a guy for a few years. He was a bad dresser, pretty chubby and his jokes were bad. However he loved her and would keep coming back for more every time she didn't answer his calls for days, was rude to him in front of her friends and just generally put him down all the time.

Eventually they broke up when she met someone else -someone that rocked her world. Problem was, she didn't know how to act in front of her friends with this new man.

One night, after a dinner out, her new boyfriend drove her home. "I won't be coming inside" he told her. "I don't think we should see each other anymore" She was shocked.

There is no excuse for bad behaviour. Spend the rest of today practicing being good to your guy - even if he is only Mr Right For Now.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

20. Weight Punching

Men do it too, however, this blog isn't about beauty. Its about beliefs and bank balances.

I've mentioned before that your partner should be your equal.

Having a partner that is less intelligent, who earns less and has less of a life goal than you, makes something (ie a relationship) that is already tricky, trickier.

If you are an Executive Manager and your boyfriend is a front line staff member, whilst that is all very "love knows no boundaries" of you - it will struggle to work well.

If you don't have approximately the same money in your bank acccount, then you cannot afford to go to the same types of places without someone else (for the purpose of this blog, the woman) always having to foot the bill.

This is bound to lead to resentment on her behalf, which when I know women, will escape in a very crazy way. (objects thrown, irrational fights about clean sinks etc)

Likewise for beliefs, ie if your man believes that the Cronulla Sharks were just boys being boys during the gang rape allegations when you have a much more intelligent grasp on life, then this is also headed to more than just a healthy debate on social issues followed by healthy make-up sex.

Above all, this is not just about being on the same page. The above is not even being in the same book.

Need further proof? I have a friend that we will call Jane. Reccently Jane dated someone none of her friends understood. Her new boyfriend was far less clever, articulate and driven than Jane.

Towards the end of their six month relationship, they took a trip to Kuala Lumper. Excited about this getaway, Jane pictured romantic dinners and days by the pool. The Boyf pictured dinners split 50/50 and every kitsch tourist attraction under the sun. Jane wanted to visit the Thean Hou Buddhist Temples. The Boyf wanted to visit the Hard Rock Cafe. Ensure arguements aplenty.

Without similar beliefs, there is also no similar conversation.(Despite being in an exotic location. facebook features a morose looking couple who you would think, looking at the pictures, took a trip to Wagga).

On the way home, the relationship ended. Although not until Jane had given her ex-boyf $282.50 for the accomodation (50/50..)

All that aside, I think the biggest question here, is why would Jane and 10000's of other women do this? Why would a successful, attractive and clever woman date someone who wasn't any of those?

Answer - Insecurity. (Blog coming soon...)

19. To Err With Love

Girls love to over-analysis everything. And because of this, they often have 500 sometimes irrational issues going through their heads at any one time.

This can be very daunting for a man. Sometimes too daunting.

If this is you, I truly suggest the therapeutic love letter. I also suggest don't send it.

More often than not, the problem is, somewhat, in your head. And something you need to get out of your head and deal with. Often, just putting it down in full sentences, will make your head & your point feel clearer hence helping you move onto getting over it.

Need further proof?

A friend of mine named Stella has been dating a gorgeous man for two years. Not that long ago, she discovered that at the very start of their relationship (way before it got serious) there was an overlap with herself and someone else.

Stella was devastated to find this out and really struggled to cope with it. Her boyfriend could not see what the problem was as he has apologised heartfeltly 100 times as well poiting out to Stella that it was just a few dinners and a movie, nothing serious at all.

As hard as she tried, my friend couldn't get past it. And it would all too often rear its ugly head.

I suggested a letter.

So she penned a heartwrenching explanation of why she was so hurt.

Almost immediately she felt much better.

She told me she was so glad that she didn't instead insist on a "we need to talk" scenario with her man, as when it was on paper, it stood out that it was more to do with her own insecurities, than not trusting her man.

With this new attitude, she spent the $ she would of spent on postage to send this heavy letter and went out a bought a new nailpolish. In a fabulous pink shade to match her new thoughts about herself.

Friday, November 27, 2009

18. Sad Shopping Faces

What are your plans this weekend? Did you just say grocery shopping with your partner and the kids?


How tedious is grocery shopping! Add screaming kids, packed shopping centres, money woes, limited time free time and you have yourself a relationship recipe for diaster.

Need further proof? Friends of mine were married for ten years. Happiest couple ever on their wedding day. A couple of years later and sexy dinners out where swapped for shopping trips with the kids. The guy confessed to me when I learnt about his affair and subsquent new relationship, that he started to dread the weekends.

He knew it meant a predictable grocery outing. One where their 3 year old daughter would throw tantrums and people would stare, his wife & he would fight about how to deal with the child, what items to buy, how much money to spend, how hot it was, how often the husband looked at other women who didnt have screaming children, how bad the wifes reverse parking was and so forth.

He met a girl on the internet who listed grocery shopping as a pet-hate.

I don't understand it. Coles and Woolworths deliver right to your front door for $10.00. Even if it was $50.00 its far cheaper than a divorce..

NB - this advice cancels out if you are in a relationship with one of those rare guys who loves grocery shopping.. he probably cooks too right? I hope tonight you took him out for a sexy dinner then.

17. Dear Relationship Doctor...

Below is an email I received from a reader.

I have decided to share with you all incase it benefits

Dear Relationship Doctor

My boyfriend and I broke up a month ago. He says he no longer loves me. I miss him like crazy - how do I make him love me again?


Dear Jessica

Short answer is that you can't. Long answer is you can however make the next few months easier for yourself. And then if you follow my forthcoming Do's and Don't's - the outcome will be either you are back to together or by the time you realise you are not ever getting back together, you won't care.


Call him or text him and ask him why more than once? You deserve closure but watch out for the restraining order

Call his family and or friends and ask why

Drive past his house even if in someone else's car

Stalk his facebook

Get your friends to stalk his facebook

Cry to all your friends for any longer than two weeks - one month if the relationship was really long. They may sound sympathetic but secretly they are thinking you need to get over it. You do not need the extra negative energy

Wear his t-shirt to bed. Seriously girlfriend - you don't be dumped as well as start to smell bad


Gather up all his things and things he gave you and store them in a box out of sight. You will know when its the right to look at them and by then you will either want to ditch them or you look at them once or twice fondly. And possibly also think "what was I thinking!!"

Delete him from your phone - nothing more tragic than a 2am angry/tragic/sad texts or a voicemail that just plays Kasey Chambers "Am I Not Pretty Enough!"

Delete him from your facebook - its torture plus. Forget being the bigger person. Delete.

Keep his friends as your facebook friends so they can tell him when you have a new boyfriend or updated a new fabulous profile picture.

Make a mantra playlist on your ipod. A collection of songs that make you will great and strong that you can pump really loud whenever you need. (Songs on my list include; You Oughta Know – Alanis Morrissette, She F***ing Hates – Me Puddle of Mud, Good Riddance – Green Day, I Will Survive – Cake, Used To Love Her – Guns n’Roses (personal fav!!), You Give Love A Bad Name – Bon Jovi

Buy yourself a new outfit, a pedicure, a manicure and a facial. If you are going to be dumped anyway, you might as well look fabulous!

Stay away from all the places you used to frequent as a couple

Self-reflect but don't obsess

Start dating again - resist the urge to go all Anne Frank. Unless you die tomorrow, someone else will hurt you, its life. Might as well have some more fun along the way.

Hope this helps.

Relationship Doctor

Thursday, November 26, 2009

16. (S)Mothering

Are you guilty of telling your man not to stay up too late? Do you go to his house and tidy up when he is at work or in the shower? Do you remind him to finish his dinner or he will get sick? Do you criticize  how long he spends on his x-box? Do you remind him when he is out with his friends that its not a good idea to drink so much?

Sexy to be so caring and concerned right? Wrong. It works the opposite way. Let him be. It's very easy for a woman to unknowingly and unintentionally to hurt and offend the man she loves most.

Need an example? Friends of mine, lets call them Andrew and Helen were going to a party. Andrew was driving. After about twenty minutes of going around the same block a few times, it was clear to Helen that Andrew was lost. She finally suggested that he call for help.Andrew became very silent. They eventually arrived at the party, but the tension from that moment persisted the whole evening Helen had no idea of why he was so upset.

From her side she was saying "I love and care about you, so I am offering you this help."From his side, he was offended. What he heard was "I don't trust you to get us there. You are incompetent!"

I suggest you use your natural mothering instinct to instead worry about yourself first and then the state of the economy, climate change, the orphans in Cambodia and whether or not that baby on Packed to the Rafters is going to grow up dysfunctional having such older parents and weird siblings.

If he wants your advice, I guarantee he will seriously ask

Plus just like Carrie Bradshaw beautifully said - "nobody wants to f*ck mean mommy" anyway...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

15. Listen Up

How familiar to you is this scenario - your partner comes home from work and announces to you "I've had such a bad day" to which you reply "Me too"

And let me guess - one of your big complaints to your girlfriends is that your boyfriend never wants to talk, like really talk to you?

I don't blame him. You are too self-centered. If your day was that bad and filled with an emergency, then you would have called him.

Wait your turn Little Miss All About You.

And then I guarantee once he has got his bad day off his chest, he'll ask how your day was. And he would have enjoyed that talk and could, maybe, just be keen for another talk soon.

Remember, he is called your partner because you are equals. You don't deserve any more attention that he does.

14. Get Handsy This Hump Day

Need a neat tip to make your man nicer instantly?

Go home tonight and give him a massage whilst he is watching tv. Ask for nothing in return. This doesn't have to require alot of effort - just get him to sit in front of you and massage away the knots from his shoulders. Mix it up with a foot massage if he desires.

Studies show that being hands on promotes bonding between two people more than any long chat or walk in the park holding hands will do. It won't kill you and your partner, who theoretically should be the love of your lif, (otherwise what the f*ck are you doing??) will think nothing but loving thoughts of you.

Need further proof? A man I know, a lothario if you please, dated 1000 women before he met someone and asked her to marry him. Why this woman I asked? He said quite simply "she gave me the best back massage on the night we met. I knew she was my one"

Plus seriously girls - there is something wrong if you don't want to put your hands all over your man. Seriously.

13. Dull Down the Drama

Women love to share private information. They believe that this helps them bond with another. For men - its as scary as hell.

Men are simple folk. Too much drama, sadness, scariness or excitementness (it's a word..) is frankly, too much!

Men like mystery. They do not like hearing your stories about psycho ex-boyfriends, crazed stalkers, sexually aggressive bosses, jealous ex-husbands, unloving mothers or weirdo neighbours until you have been together as a couple for a year and he knows you well. Giving all that up too soon and you will risk coming across like way too much trouble. Men think about how much a woman and her drama will affect their Sunday afternoon relax time and will cancel you out if pushed.

Need further proof?

Someone I know well, received a message from someone else I know well and it said "I think you are one really cool chick and one I want to hang out with. I don't like all this drama" She considered herself warned. Another boy who was less of a wordsmith may just have stopped calling.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

12. Cull the Crazy

A wise woman once said that if a woman is sane 95% of the time, then perhaps come crazy has to come out somewhere somehow. Or something like that - to tell the truth I was only half listening as I was the crazy person in question.

You see, today, I was crazy. I sent far, far too many dramatic texts, (of the "I'm never ever talking to you again ever" kind) And I didn't take phone calls when it would have been extremely adult to do so. I am not feeling proud of it and it didn't achieve one single thing except make someone, who perhaps before this outburst thought I was really cool, now just think I am pretty cool.

Regretfully men have long memories for crazy as well. (Mostly because of Lorena Bobbit) Hopefully a three week visit to the UK will dull his memory or at least the cabin pressure during his 22 hr flight could affect it. One can only pray to a god if there is one..

Give this post some thought before your next outburst.. Crazy is not the cool and I guarantee you will end up feeling 100 times worse.

Monday, November 23, 2009

11. Sexting

Chances are unless you are Amish you will own a mobile phone. Chances are also that if you own said mobile phone, you will, at some stage, have given your number to a boy and done the dreaded waiting around for "the sms". Its highly possible that you have waited around more than once even. Here are six sext tips to make this part of the dating dance a little less painful.

1) Be unpredictable! I have a friend, goregous, gorgeous girl. But like clockwork, most evenings around ten pm, she will send a message that says "any news" and nothing else. I am going to admit to ignoring these messages most of the time as they bore me. She doesn't bore me - she is gorgeous. But her message is predicatble and I usually fall asleep reading them. They definantly do not make me want to commence a text volley with her which brings me to the next point.

2) The text volley! Girls are a big fan of the text volley. A marathon text session with the man of their dreams. Best tip I can give re the text volley - stop before they do. It will keep them guessing and wanting more. I always get comments from men when I do this. One went so far as to call me after a few hours to see why I didnt continue the volley. The phone call led to a dinner date and the dinner date led a very nice night indeed!

3) Be Funny and Flirty! SMS stands for short message service. Make 95% of your messages short funny & flirty. Not long winded messages about what you had for dinner and what your friend is going to do about her bad boyfriend and what your mum is going to do about your grandma's bad hip.

4) Don't Over Do It! Don't send more than 5 sms per day. Infact some days, only send one. (unless involved in text sex in which case see next post..)

5) Text Sex! Nothing cooler than a little lewdness when it comes to texting. Although keep it classy as there is always the possibility he will show his mates, plus the written word can have a different effect on people and you want to turn him on, not freak him out! Its also a good build up to action at a later stage.. Start as simply as "I want you bad, hurry home" I guarantee a great response!

6)Keep Him Waiting! Men are hunters. if you respond to every text they send in a timely fashion, they won't want to hunt you anymore. I have been known to wait as long as eight hours to respond to a message even though my phone has been in front of me the whole time. I have a friend that waits several days.

NB - I am well aware that anyone who has been or is currently involved in a textual relationship with me is reading this and laughing.

10. Get Gifty

With Christmas almost upon us, its time for a serious chat about presents!! I am always amazed by girls who cannot get the art of giving gifts right and yet will complain about their boyfriends not spoiling them in return.

Coz in my world, there is nothing acceptable about not wrapping a present, not having a suprise element involved in the present ie (I got Matt new tyres for the Falcon or rather i paid for them and he went and picked them out)or girls who give a birthday or Christmas gift anytime other than the morning of Christmas or their birthday.

Afterall, I would imagine your boyfriend has his birthday on the same day every year and Christmas has been celebrated every year on the same day since the 4th century AD so neither dates are a suprise..

Incase you missed my point; always, always make sure you have a present that is wrapped and ready for your lover on the morning of his birthday or Christmas. Anything else is just laziness. And/or rude.

Friday, November 20, 2009

9. faux pas

Do you have a profile? Ever been tempted to tell all 307 of your not very close friends how much your partner is making you mad?

Don't do it. It could kill your relationship plus there is NO excuse under the sun you could give me for telling all 307 of your not very close friends private information.

Need an example - I have a friend, lets call her Jane. Jane's boyfriend was fired reccently through no fault of his own.

So she and her boyfriend pulled their two year old out of child care and the boyfriend became the stay at home dad. If that wasn't emasculating enough for Jane's boyfriend - Jane updated her status on facebook to "Jane is worried about having no money for Christmas and hopes her family and friends don't expect much". Jane should expect to be dumped.

facebook is NOT the platform to air anything private about your relationship or your partner may just use facebook to find himself a new and nicer girlfriend. Think before you update. Or it may be all too late..

8. Are You Annonying or Attractive?

This is a posting for those of you who are in a relationship. Probably have been for a year or so. And are wondering why your boyfriend isn't paying you as much attention as he used to. First thing I would do before I start bitching about him to all my friends - some self-relection!! Are you annoying?

I have a friend - lets call her Valerie. Very gorgeous girl! But she is soo annoying and I know her boyfriend thinks so too. Valerie will talk when his favorite tv show is on even when he repeatedly asks her not to. She will whine in a sing song voice "baaaby, get me a drink" whilst lolling about on the lounge. She will furthermore loll about on said lounge in a tatty old dressing gown with her arms and legs flung all over him as he sits perched uncomfortabley on the other end. She will cry at the drop of a hat and commence further whining until he attempts to fix it even when its nothing to do with him. When he takes her to the movies, she will talk all the way through it and when he takes her out to dinner, she will get out of her chair and sit on his lap.

She thinks she is being cute. I know something she doesn't. She isn't being cute - she is being annoying and her boyfriend is looking to meet other women on the internet.

Ask yourself right now - is your behaviour to your partner annoying or attractive? Would you want to spend time with you? I am quite sure not all of you are as bad as Valerie but a few minutes self-reflection won't hurt you and it defintely won't hurt your relationship!

7. Twitter Jitter

The Doctor is now on Twitter too - follow me there..

6. Interests Equals Interesting

Are you interesting? What are you interested in? What are your interests? Did you just now answer something like shopping, the kids, the dog, my boyfriend??? ... zzzzzzzzzzz

Get serious!! Shopping is not an interest unless it is shopping for rare eqyptian teapots in far away Arabia. (sounds interesting does'nt it!!) Shopping is something that girls do because they can. Like when men scratch their testicles. So unless you think you would like to date someone who lists scratching his area as a hobby - stop saying shopping is yours.

Need further proof? I have a male friend called Stan who dated a gorgeous girl. Very, very pretty, sweet, great laugh; an all round nice piece of arm candy. And she had a hot figure, big breasts and kept herself in great shape. Stan dumped her. Stan who was on the chubby side and had a massive nose and really was much funnier than he was handsome. And still he dumped her. Why? He met a woman at work. Who was interesting. She was passionate about buying and then renovating houses, snowboarding, climate change, human trafficking, chinese art and breeding siamese cats. Stan's ex-girlfriend was passionate about shopping and Stan.

This weekend - get an interest. Better yet - get three!

NB Kids, i repeat kids, are not an interest. Do I need to repeat the scratching of the balls scenario to you again?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

5. Babe Be Gone

I hate the term of endearment "babe". There is nothing at all special about it. Especially when used every five minutes and for everything. "no babe" "yes babe" "ok babe"

Apart from how common it sounds, I also know that whoever is using it, has already used it before. And there is also nothing special in that.

And whilst I understand that my bethrothed once belonged to another - I'd like to think that I am the one that he will stay with forever. Because I made him feel different than any other girlfriend/lover/crush he ever had.

It just doesn't have the feelgood appeal that "beautiful" or "gorgeous" or "hotstuff" has to it.

Also babe is slang for baby. And they are not always attractive.

Stop using "babe" TODAY on your lover. I mean it.

4. Manners Matter

If you think that manners are something you save for your grandma or your boss, then you are wrong.

Nothing sexier than a classy girl, and manners equal class. So stop sending texts to your partner that just say "cool" or 'ok" and mix it up with a little "sounds great gorgeous" - you'll be pleasantly suprised with the response even if he is just saying that he is picking up the kids from school.

On the flipside, research shows that men respond better to straight commands ie "can you take out the rubbish" as opposed to "will you take out the rubbish" - change that to "can you take out the rubbish sexy" and frankly, your man will generally be so excited about being called sexy, that he will just do it!

PS Don't replace sexy or gorgeous for babe. That post is coming. Be prepared for babe to go. Far, far away..

3. Drop Me a Note!

Whilst I am going to be frank in this blog, I am also going to be serious - I really believe that I can offer some sound advice therefore if you have a question and you would like a private answer or you just want to see a blog about something - drop me a line at - I would love to hear from you!

2. First Food For Thought

Everyone wants to be that dreamy couple where the guy worships the ground she walks on even when the girl is a spoilt, crying, lazy, bratty mess. After all it's what fairytales are built on right? WRONG!! Name the fairytale where the girl acts like a bitch and gets it all her own way? I will go on and on about this as time goes by but I'll let you settle in first.

Which does bring me to another point - Sex and the City. Great tv series. I freaking loved it and own the box set. But it's a tv series - like Monkey Magic. So when Carrie tells you "not to settle for anything else but butterflies" always remember that somewhere on some guy tv series, some Carriesque likes character is telling men that too. Telling them to not put up with girls who don't dress in thier cutest nighties each night, girls that don't keep their legs de-fuzzed and girls that don't send their partners texts every now and then telling them that when they get home from work that night they can't wait to give them the best blow job of their life.

Remember that. Its lesson number one. You are not perfect. Don't fill your head with crap or this New Year's Eve will be crap too.

1. Welcome

This is a blog for anyone who wants a relationship or is in one and wants to save it or wants to fix it or perhaps just make it better. Its for every one of my girlfriends who called me in tears late at night or sent me dramatic texts during the day or even posted woeful messages on their facebook. This is real advice i should have told them then. Hopefully its not too late to help them or you either dear reader.