This is an awful occurrence and definitely one that seems terribly unfair at the time.
I've mentioned before about a guy I know that dated a lovely girl for 5 years. They broke up and within weeks he was dating someone else and within months they were engaged and now he's married to her.
And he is not the only one. Scan your friends and facebook.com for similar stories.
And whilst it may seem unfair that you went through all the bad stuff that every long term relationship unavoidably comes across and yet he didn't stay with you til death do you part, take solace in knowing that the same problems will raise their heads in this new relationship.
Frankly, in fact most importantly, you both did you a favour. Because if he actually loved you enough, he would have married you and not her.
And why would you ever want to spend even ten minutes with someone who didn't deserve you?
His loss.