Someone very dear to me, infact someone I have known for a very long time, is this month's guest post host!
Read below for some interesting and heart-warming feedback on long-term relationships on this rainy Saturday..
Dr R - How long have you been married for?
C - We have been married for nearly 14 years, but we have been together for 18! That is half our lives!
Dr R - How did you meet?
C - We met at a friend's birthday party, but we had actually been in a few classes at school together & hadn't realised.
Dr R - You have a daughter who is soon approaching the dating age - what's your number one dating advice for her?
C - She is still a bit young, but I would tell her to never forget your friends, as boyfriends will come & go, but your good friends are forever!
Dr R - Has your relationship changed as you have got older?
C - Yes. We are more understanding of each other now, & less selfish. We both understand that we each need time to ourselves, but we love spending time together too. I used to try & control every situation when we were young, but I am much more relaxed about things now.
Dr R - What's the best thing about marriage?
C - The best thing about my marriage is having someone to share my dreams with. We both want the same things out of life & we both head in that direction. We support each other fully, & we really understand how the other thinks.
Dr R - What's the hardest?
C - The hardest thing is knowing someone so well, some things really get on your nerves but you know they will never change that thing you hate! You have to learn to accept those things but that doesn't stop you from wanting to murder them sometimes!!!
NB - The RD thanks for her gorgeous friend for this personal interview.