It's so common for couples to get a pet, or even worse, have a baby when their relationship starts to lose a lil spark. It never really works.
I would suggest, rather than either of those - volunteering together.
It's not lame. Or too much effort. It's an absolutely perfect way to spend new time together that may really, really give both of you a chance to see each other in a different and even quite sexy light!
One of my favorite charities is Ronald McDonald House. Based in most capital cities, they are always on the look out for new volunteers. And the best thing - they encourage you to do it with someone.
The house that I volunteer at (I do an overnight shift once a month), has a lovely warm volunteer flat with two very comfy beds in it, lovely Sheridan linen, four lounge rooms with massive plasmas, plus in the rest of the house there is a XBox, a huge kitchen that always has delicious treats, heaps of babies to cuddle, a Labrador puppy and stacks of people who are keen just to have a coffee with you.
As a team, to go there together, could only bond you in way that yelling about what the dog has chewed now or whose turn it is to change the baby can't (I am not suggesting not getting a dog or having a baby - I am only talking about those of you who have done it to "save" your relationship.. you know who you are)
Search volunteering on the net to look for options that interest you both! It cannot hurt to try it anyway...