Wouldn't it be great if you could make your own boyfriend? But tweaked in your very own way? Kind of like when you get a receipe of a friend but then you add your own favorite things to it.
If I could make my own I would add -
A pinch of love for my quirkiness
A dab of tolerance for my moodiness
Half a cup of sexy spotanaity
A generous dash of a love of current affairs and debate
Some cute name calling; more like 'beautiful' and less like 'bub' (groan..)
A thirst for travel
An ability to refelct on his own behaviour before blaming anyone else
I'd ensure he didn't have road rage or narrow-minded ideas
That he was brave, strong and funny.
That he put my feelings first 50% of the time
That hanging out with just me on Saturday night was sometimes all he wanted to do.
If all that came as a mixture, then I'd wrap that boy-dough up and bake it in a healthy relationship of goodness.
Sounds nice anyway..