The worst thing about being cheated on and lied to is the humiliation.
It's expected that people will fall out of love with each other and it's expected that we as humans don't mate for life.
But it doesn't give anyone an excuse to tread all over your feelings with lies and trickery.
At one stage, you loved this person that you are now lying too. Or if even if you didn't, you should still appreciate the feelings that they have for you.
They will cope more with the fact that you now want to be with someone else, than they will cope with the realization that they have been lied to and made to look stupid in front of other people.
Imagination overdrive will kick in and they will know that possibly you lay in bed with your new lover giggling as your orginal lover called your mobile looking for you.
I've just read Tiger Wood's ex-wife Elin's account and it isn't pretty.
It simply wasn't fair how she was treated but the humiliation of it all made it so much worse.
Remember you were lucky enough to have someone, anyone love you at some stage, you do not need to trample on those feelings by amping up her humilation levels.
Be upfront and honest as soon as possible in order to make a bad situation more bearable for the heart-broken.