It isn't cool to let yourself be so into your new boyfriend that you turn into a stalker destined for a trip to the magistrates court and the front page of your local newspaper.
I'll elaborate...
Someone I know very well, started a little fling with a boy. For several reasons or another, the fling ended before it's time. But I believe the two still quite like each other. Or have some serious chemistry at least.
Now the boy has started seeing someone else - but he still cannot bring himself to not contact the first girl on a very regular basis. So much so, that he often commits the dating faux pas of sending sms's to the first girl in the company of the new girl. And Im not talking one or two but more like 22 or more.
So the new girlfriend isn't altogether silly and knows a threat when she sees one. But instead of removing herself from the situation or trying to express her feelings about this to her boyfriend - she commences Operation Stalkfest.
The first girl starts to receive facebook.com emails from the second girls posse of devoted lady friends. And friend requests from the second girl's guy facebook friends. Several 100's of them. The first girl speaks to the boy in question and is told that yes, indeed, the second girl is feeling jealous of the link between the orginal two and would just like to see the first girl's pictures to know what she is up against.
Seriously. WTH????
Now probably the second girl doesn't read my blog but if she did (and for all you others who have felt the stalker gene emerge from time to time) - I am going to insist you get a grip.
Or you will just spiral out of control.
Don't let anyone else consume you to the point of breaking the law. Because that's what you are doing.
When you are starting to feel like this - I suggest you do one (or all!) of the below 5 things
1) Go get a facial. It will make you feel pampered and beautiful again.
2) Replace facial with professional shampoo and blow dry
3) Dance around your lounge room to anything by Usher, Lady Gaga or Jason Derulo.
4) Summons your girlfriends together and laugh til your cheeks hurt.
5) Get really dressed up with your BFF and go out for cupcakes Carrie and Miranda style.
No-one, no matter how cute his accent or how pretty his smile, is worth restless nights or splitting hairs over.
Plus it's really, really unattractive.
And I can guarantee you - it won't stop the original couple being together again if they want to. You will just look foolish as well as be heartbroken.
More importantly - if he is really something special and he likes you - he won't want to make you feel this way.