As recently as this week, I had my first female stalker aka the new girlfriend of a boy I had a fling of sorts with.
The young lady's angst was apparent from the number of facebook messages and friend requests I was receiving from her army of devoted yet crazed friends desperate to get a look into my facebook page and perhaps crack the code about what it was that kept her new boyfriend wanting to still contact me long after our fling was ove. (he often demonstrated this to her by constantly messaging me or calling me in her presense. Clearly his lack of knowledge of women is fodder for another post altogether..)
Anyway.. it became clear that I had two choices - either go to the police which did seem a little extreme at this stage or go straight to the source.
And so I sent my little stalker-gal a carefully worded yet light email letting her know that I was definitely not intertested in her boyfriend. That I had deleted his number and had deleted him from my (all important) facebook friend list. I let her know that girls as a whole should stick together and she had nothing to worry about in me.. (her boyfriend's roving eye will become apparent to her in her own time..)
Not long after she sent me a charming yet grateful reply saying she was happy that I had considered her feelings and that in turn she was happy for me and her lover to continue a friendship of sorts.
And then the stalking stopped.
NB the RD does not condone any sort of stalking behavouir and reminds you that its is indeed a criminal offence. If you are experiecing unwanted attention from someone at any stage, the RD advises you to seek advice by calling your local police station on 131444