Every now and then an ex will rear their head.
Perhaps beg for another chance with your heart. (thanks facebook.com)
I have even seen it really work.
Infact friends of mine are my all time favorite love story.
These two dated at high school and were each other's first lovers.
After high school, they grew apart, as they started really growing up.
He moved away. Both got very serious with other people.
Nearly ten years later and single again, he looked her up.
They had coffee and shared a kiss.
Today they share a home and two very cute kids.
But it doesn't always work. And time apart does really cloud what it was really like.
If you broke up beacause one of you cheated or as you grew up, your beliefs/morals were different to each others, then it almost never works.
And it's much better to just keep the past as really fond memories, even if a little skewed from the truth.
Need further proof?
Last night, I found an old diary of mine. I laughed til I cried at the memories. I was then inspired to pull out some old albumns of us looking very cute and romantic.
Luckily my BFF also reminded me of the names of several of the girls that he also spent nights with when I thought he was at work.
And she told me she just heard he had left his wife of ten years. For her sister.