Q: Why is it so difficult for men to communicate? Are you a psychologist?
A: I'm not a psychologist. If I were, I would know very little about the real world of relationships and dating. I learned the real way.
It's not always "difficult" for guys to communicate. Instead, what you're seeing is probably the result of years of former communication-gone-wrong experiences.
He probably once tried to tell a girl how he felt about something, and she either went mental or misinterpreted what he was trying to say.
Or, even worse, he once opened up to a girl about how much he liked her, and she dumped him. Once bitten, twice shy. So he has learned from his experiences and now figures that he just won't bother.
Another possibility is that he thinks he's communicating. Men and women say the same thing but in a different language.
If you've got a guy who won't talk, the best thing you can do is let him concretely know that you love blunt people. And be blunt with him on a few choice topics to open up communication ground.
But get ready, because opening the communication flood gates always brings some funky stuff floating down that river of honesty, and if your man is not the most sophisticated fish in the sea, he may inadvertently say some mean things. The best thing to do is keep him on a specific topic.