Ok, I stole some of these but I plan to do most of them very soon!
1) Plant a naughty note in his wallet. That way, he'll see it when he goes to pay for his morning coffee or his lunch, and he'll end thinking about you for the rest of the day. Something like, "Meet me in the shower after work" should do the trick.
2) Do a $5 gift Sunday. This involves seeing who can get the most creative present for $5 in five moniutes. And it makes grocery shopping or a trip to the markets a lot more fun.
3) Go commando together. Even if it's just down to your local DVD store, it will be your cheeky little secret.
4) Draw up a map of your place and mark out where you've done it - and in what positions. Then, take turns marking the spots you still want to break in... and how you'll do just that.
5) Buy two copies of the same book. Read it together and discuss it as you go.
6) Ask him to help you moisturise after your morning shower. First of all, he'll love it and, and secondly, your hard-to-reach places will be mega-hyrdated. Just leave time for the inevitable results.
7) Make up charaters for each other - and play them all night long. He can be the pilot and you can be the hostie..
8) Write reminders in his phone calendar, like "Ravage Sarah tonight" Mark them "urgent"
9) Order takeway on Sunday - for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The only rule is, you both have to stay in your underwear all day long.
10) Do a Skype striptease - in the next room. Just see how long he can stay away. I'm guessing not very..