I sincerely apologise for being absent for almost a week. I have been in the country!
The country (in this case a little town about 2 hours west of Melbourne) it seems, is teaming with eligible bachelors looking for women to meet and marry.
Good, honest, hardworking stock who are looking for an equal companion to do more than fair their share of the cooking and cleaning for them. As well as breed future generations of farmers, in return for a stable life in a big homestead and a tractor or two.
Ok, that might just have put fear into your heart.. well wait just a corn picking minute.
There are lots of bonuses when it comes to a country guy - they not big on computer games for start, preferring, to be outside, so there is no arguing about when is he going to stop playing World of Warcraft and come and play with you. (I receive soo many emails about this relationship issue!!)
Plus they are strong, have great forearms, are kind to animals and like children.
One very handsome single farmer, that I had several late night discussions about romance and relationships with, even confessed to knowing quite a bit about Sex and the City (verbatim.. " it was so good when Big went to rescue Carrie from France" ...)
Plus they like their food and I have a very good theory on men, appetites and healthy sex drives.
Now I am totally aware that might still not sound not like your cup of milky Bushell's..
And truth is, above all, the message is this - you should not rely on convention to find your soul shaker.. Just because you are city girl, do not cross these great country guys off your list just yet. At least not until you have met a few.
After all some of history's greatest ever love stories were oh so very unconventional..