How about not having a drug habit KM?
I'm not a fan. I have a friend who is - she also quoted to me last week "everyone is entitled to their opinion"
Okay.. so then was Stalin. And his friend Hitler.
That debate aside - I come to another point.
The thing about outlandish statements, even when followed by the usually insincere "I know its wrong to say this but..." - is that the people that you are saying them to are quietly judging you and passing it on in a way that is ruining your personal PR.
And whilst you might think your statements are nothing, the hot new guy that hears it from your friend, who is a friend of a friend, and doesn't know that you are also funny, clever, kind and warm, starts to know you as the girl who worships Kate Moss and hates fat people.
Need further proof? I have a friend whom I adore. On occasion though, she can be incredibly ignorant. She announced to me a few months ago that she believed that Australia wouldn't have any crime issues if we "stopped letting Indian people into Aus"
For me and lots of others... there is many, many things wrong with that statement, so whilst I smiled politely and told her I didn't really agree with her, the next time I was on the phone with my uber hot guy friend, I let go about said crazy statement.
A few weeks later, my hot guy friend is single and looking to date - I tell him he would be perfect for this friend of mine. Unfortunately its the Indian hater.. And so my guy friend tells me I am dreaming, he doesnt even want to meet her let alone date her.
I feel a twinge of guilt as I think other than that, they would have had alot of fun... but the damage is already done.
Seriously girls - pick your muse carefully and watch your mouth. Or get ready to watch alot of epsiodes of The Hills next Valentines Day