"Just overheard a guy talking about his girlfriend on the train "she's getting fatter everytime I see her"...
And so reads the facebook.com status of my best friend.
Boys, when you notice your girlfriend getting too big for her bikini - ask her to join you at the gym, make her a salad, take her camping, buy her a bike for her birthday, take up salsa dancing together or better yet, buy her flowers every day for a week. And then buy her perfume. Before you know it, she will be wanting to have alot of sex with you. Best fat burning activity ever!!
And girls, when your boyfriend asks you to exercise with him, it's because he wants to spend time with you and be seen with you. Do not turn him down. Get off the couch and go and do it. New Years Eve is only 21 sleeps away...
Non-fat food for thought from Bart, a guy friend of mine "If a guy thinks a girl is a 5/10 on the attractive scale, the moment she starts working out, she instantly jumps to a 7"