I received an email this morning from a reader who declared she was giving away her latest date as he didn't give her enough attention.
I called in the help of a guy pal and asked what did men deem "enough attention" in those early dating stages.
I spoke to my woeful girlfriend again and I was left only with this.
Those two friends of mine should never meet, let alone date.
And thats the answer isn't it.
There are no real hard and fast rules, in the early stages, about what either the man or the woman should or shouldn't do.
It's really about finding someone who wants the same things you do, hence evening out the see-saw.
I suggest if you are in the same situation as my friend, pick 3 things you don't like about the new guy you are dating and thinking of dumping, and then pick 5 things you do.
Still feel the same way?
Be careful that you don't miss out on the conversation you have been waiting to have your entire life by jumping up and down too much on your end of the teeter-totter.