It me astounds what different women will and won't put up with.
Today I was a spectactor at a Magistrates Court. I witnessed a young lady who was present on a very serious charge relating to a drug of independance.
She was facing jail. Afterwards, as she was led away into custody, she declared her love for her still asleep partner.
On another scale, I am also suprised when women turn a blind eye to cheating, lying, and gambling or partners that swear at them and call them stupid on a daily basis.
I guess they are my deal breakers however.
Everyone will have different ones, but I really believe that for everyone, the deal should be off if your partner no longer makes you happy.
Or perhaps, its not about having someone else make you feel happy. Perhaps its about thinking you are worth being treated with respect.
Guess what, that starts with you showing yourself respect first.