I am immediately concerned about any woman that struggles to maintain long friendships with other women.
Alarmed infact.
I will ask any girl straight up, who tells me they are unable to have non-destructive relationships with men, just how their gal pals are.
If the answer is "I don't really have any female friends" - it's time for serious reflection.
A friendship between two women is based on trust, respect and honesty.
A friendship between a man and a woman is sometimes (before the feedback starts..) about sex. Even if its not her, he wants to sleep with, but her other female friends.
A healthy friendship between two women is generally balanced, with the two women receiving mutual benefits from the friendship.
And you cannot put on a bikini and pull the wool over their eyes.
If you do not have friendships like this and instead, your bff past looks like a car wreck of betrayal and tears, a serious talking to is needed.
You need to know how to win your own kind over first, before a man will get serious about you.
You are just too scary otherwise.