I want to know when did it become acceptable to publicly humilitate your partner.
The one who you trust enough to let them sleep next to you every night?
The fact is it didn't.
And yet at the moment, I am coming across couples who think it is ok to speak to each other in a highly innappropiate manner in front of other people that they might not even really know.
Personally this is a deal breaker for me. I'm a fan of the mantra; internal debate, external cohesion.
It is a fantasy to think, that when in a relationship, you are not going to really annoy each at some stage. But that sort of fighting is best done behind closed doors. It's ugly, unfair and doesn't show any respect for the people you are doing it in front of. Let alone your partner.
Having my lover tell me to shut up or that I am an idiot in front of people just isn't ok.
And therefore I would never do it to them.
Being in a relationship is as hard as walking a tightrope - but learn to walk it with grace or jump down.
You have no right to speak to him like that. Nor he you.