I mentioned the other day that this post was coming.
My FMM is always a source of fascinating conversation and with this topic, he did not let me down.
The other night, he gave me a run down on someone he knows, a young lady, that has had a lot of partners in her short sexual history. More than that, she seems to have had alot of partners from the same circle of friends.
And for that she was ferociously judged by my FMM.
Is this right or wrong, or just someone's opinion, the same as whether you like electronica or lepoard print?
I think it's the latter.
Because he doesn't have any idea how many people I have slept with. Would he stop talking to me if he knew?
In his defence, he tells me he also doesn't like her because she cheated on her boyfriend, a comrade of his, once upon a time.
Yet, I know he is friends with other people who have also cheated on their boyfriends.
Myself, I am not a fan of anyone that has ever lived with their girlfriend before. I also find anyone, who has ever, at any stage, gone after someone with a boyfriend, disgusts me.
Although if my forthcoming soul shaker had done all that before I met him, would my "rules" go out the window?
That's my double standard
NB The RD wants her readers to know that in no way should this post reflect poorly on her FMM. Our conversations are like constant fresh air to her.