I have a lovely friend who deserves a wonderful boyfriend.
She, especially, deserves one because I give her almost full marks for trying. She definitely puts herself "out there" when it comes to meeting men.
I can, however, glaringly see where she is letting herself down and I want to point it out to her - I doubt she is alone so I am sharing her story. (Sorry M..please remember that I really, really love you!)
Now, my said beloved friend reccently met a man who sounds divine.
However, as it was just before Christmas when they met, they have found each other on opposites sides of the world, after just a few dates.
As is etiquette in the modern dating world, they swapped email addresses before their trips.
My friend forwarded me the emails they exchanged (there have been two each) and frankly I fell asleep.
It was all very polite ie how was your Christmas, I am enjoying the beach, Happy New Year, can't wait to have a break etc.
I would bet the life of my FMM, that this guy has a few of these email girlfriends on the go. And all of them are being polite.
But who is standing out?
I was in a kind of similar position once - emailing the odd one here and there.
One reply stood out to me and frankly still does.
I'll share how he signed off below..
"Anyway, im away with work all week - drop me a line if you want.
And just to be controversial - what are your thoughts on the failure of the UN to act on Darfur, and based on your thoughts there, is the UN even relevant in today's global environment where the US acts without UN approval?"
Considering the previous part of the email was polite and perfunctory, my interest was rocked right to the toes of my Choos.
Dare to be different M.. you deserve it!