I shake my head with disgust as another case of "spermjacking" reached me this week.
For those of you whom are unfamiliar with the phenonomen, urbandictionary.com best describes it as
:The process of taking someone's sperm and using without their permission.
This is extremely mental. Please don't do this if you are thinking about it.
If you think this will "keep" him in your life, you are wrong.
I have seen men walk away without a backwards glance leaving the jacker to be a single mum and the baby fatherless.
A single mum is not a glamourous gig.
Infact it looks really, really, really freaking hard.
It's also a rare type of man that would get serious about a woman who already has a kid so you'll just make your dating life even harder.
It's defintely not the romantic drama you think it's going to be.
If you are seriously contemplating doing this, you need to go and see a counsellor before you ruin at least three lives.
It's unappropiate, selfish, unbalanced behaviour.