Blood really is thicker than water! And it pays to remember that..
I would always advise about taking on your partner's mother as a rival.
Infact I would suggest getting in really good with her, over anything else.
Even if she is really, really annoying!
I would also advise against making it your family versus his family.
Be assured he probably finds your family rather tiresome as much as you find his bothersome.
The best advice would be just to suck that all up.
Treat both families as equals, including time spent with them.
Infact spend even more time with his family if possible.
Absolutely nothing good can come of making out your family is better than his.
Get this sorted before Easter if you want to have an exceptional Christmas from now on.
NB Remember if there are kids involved, you owe it to them to ensure they are appropiately socialised and this means making sure they have good bonds with their extended family.
Plus grandparents make excellent babysitters!!