I am seriously thinking about closing my facebook.com account this year.
I think its contributing to the dating world spinning a little out of control and I believe it to be unhealthy.
Its a mixed up world where you already know what your new date, boyf, lover etc etc's ex looks like.
That sort of stuff used to be for years down the track when you would pull out old photos together and look through them and giggle.
Now, however, you even know what her new boyfriend looks like.
Let alone the day of dread when you see "is no longer in a relationship" appear on her page.
That sort of paranoia should be left for crazy/stalker people but facebook.com brings it into our loungerooms.
facebook.com is also kind of like having your boyfriends "number" dangled right in front of you and any lady with an overactive imagination (all ladies!!) is left to wonder just how does 'he' know Kelly or Samanatha, the cute blonde girls on his friends list.
So there you have it, I am recommending closing down your account.
Ill just play one more game of Scrabble and poke an ex or two first.