It's a famous story of how the Beatles ended; John meets girl, can't get out of bed with girl, breaks up world's most famous band..
It's a tough battle to fight, new lust. And when it happens to one of your friends there really isn't anything else to do but ignore them.
He'll be selfish, self-involved and self-centred. And he will only want to spend time with "her".
You can try staging an intervention or yelling at your friend but all that will happen is he will want to see her more. Just like when your parents tried to ban you from seeing your older, long-haired smoker boyfriend when you were in Yr 9.
Take some solace in knowing though that it's inevitable that such an unhealthy relationship will end eventually and it's then that your friend will realise his mistake and it's also then that you will hold all the cards of continuing the friendship..