A friend of mine met this guy a few years back and they have hooked up once or twice. They are also the very best of sexter's.
They've swapped alot of naked pics and dirty talk - all very healthy, liberating stuff.
They would hook up more often except their work schedules don't permit - until the other night..
He almost cancelled due to a headache and an early morning start. She talked him into it.
He turns up to her house, the kissing was hot as was the pre-play action.
Then just as they were about to get right into it - he lost his erection. She was sympathetic. He seemed a bit upset and said he should leave.
She rubbed his foreheard with sympathy and gave him a sweet smile.
He told her he would chat to her soon and hurridly exited.
The next day, not giving it a second thought, she sent him a text saying she hoped his headache was better - he didn't reply and when she checked, he had deleted her off his facebook friend list.
Is it really that big a deal?
She doesn't think so.
I need to hear from my men readers.. email me at therelationshipdoctor.com@gmail.com