So I recently surveyed some readers about the need to be bare.
Down there..
But the twist is the survey was of women who wanted men to be just skin below.
They told me that not only did women these days want their men to be trimmed - they wanted it ALL gone.
Granted the women I surveyed were under 25 but that still doesn't mean you (and the next person you are naked with) won't enjoy the following tips
Perhaps the most basic and judicious way involved in removing pubic hair and cutting away the shag hiding your manhood is simply to trim it back. Two affordable options exist: scissors and electric trimmers. Scissors are acceptable when used by skilled hands, but an electric trimmer is highly recommended for removing pubic hair. Scissors, aside from being dangerous to wield around such a sensitive area, can result in an uneven, scraggly look that almost defeats the purpose unless you’re careful. Be smart, use a trimmer.
The razor is a very popular weapon of choice when removing pubic hair, and justifiably so. For most guys, this grooming technique is familiar and a good solution. When shaving away pubic hair, not only do you get a super-clean, hygienic look, but you also get to do it discretely in the shower, with tools already stocked in the medicine cabinet. Thus, it’s a well-rounded option for a lot of guys. Want a piece of advice for optimal results? Use a women’s razor halfway through a hot shower.
Many well-known brands now have a men’s depilatory entry on the hair-remover market, and many guys are taking stock in this technique for removing pubic hair. These creams, which dissolve hair so that it can be wiped away, are a mid-market option: They cost a bit more than trimmers or razors, but lessen the amount of time involved in upkeep. While they might be better for those areas around your goods, if you choose this option, be wise and test the product on the inside of your elbow first, then wait 48 hours to be sure your skin has no adverse reactions.
Long thought of as a woman’s prerogative, waxing is making great strides in gender equality. Men have caught on to the many benefits that waxing offers: smooth, longer-lasting results. In fact, it’s the last stop before permanent hair removal, so it does have its advantages. However, some bad does come with the good: Waxing can be painful, expensive and unsuitable for delicate regions, especially when it comes to removing pubic hair. It’s a mixed bag of tricks, so approach this method with caution and an open mind.
If you’re ready to say good-bye to the bush for good, say hello to electrolysis. The only hair-removal option proven to be 100% permanent, electrolysis stands as the option for serious contenders. In only one visit you can eliminate wiry pubic hair forever. (Know that your visit, though, could last for hours and won’t be such an enjoyable experience.) Guys ready to play for keeps should definitely go a round with electrolysis.
A newer, less painful alternative to electrolysis, laser hair removal provides another permanent solution. However, the provisos weigh in favor of the cons, rather than the pros: Laser removal, though quick and relatively painless, requires multiple treatments and isn’t guaranteed to stop hair growth permanently. Both of these details can lead to added expenses during and after the treatment phase. It’s not without its merits, though, so just be thoughtful in taking this approach to removing pubic hair.
Whether you are going to pay attention to my under 25 year-old sources or not, overall, if you’re not trimming your pubic hair, you should be. Not only will the visual impact be dramatic and self-gratifying, but the rave reviews you receive from your lady friend(s) will do wonders for your libido. So, using the information outlined above, decide on the option that best suits your style and get to manscaping your midsection knowledgably and knowingly...