Dear Rebecca Twiggley
You are headed for relationship ruin.
I listened with fear and bewilderment last night as you spoke abouut your upcoming wedding to Chris Judd.
A wedding that, by your own omission, you have planned all by yourself. You basically said you have shunned all Chris's ideas and have instead just accepted his money.
Ok correct me if I am deluded but isn't a wedding a celebration of the love that two people share?
Haven't you already had your solo moments in the spotlight where everyone gushes about how gorgeous you are?
Your passive-agressive behaviour style of addmitting that Judd is fabulous but just not fabulous or classy enough to have an input in YOUR big day will see you, within 7 years, in a failed marriage.
Someone else will come along that will let Chris know his ideas are wanted. And his view is important.
And he will leave you.
Think it doesn't happen to gorgeous model types?
You might want to check again with Elin Woods.
All the best - you'll need it.
The RD.