Recently someone I know well was being pursued by someone’s boyfriend. So rather than cause any unnecessary angst, this friend of mine contacted the girlfriend in question and let her know what her lover was doing behind her back.
The evidence was huge, there was literally hundreds of emails as well as dates that could be matched to back up the guy’s infidelities.
At first the girlfriend thanked her – said she respected my friend so much for coming forward.
But then – the tables turned. And my friend became the bad guy as the wronged girlfriend said she just wanted to move on. Which meant forgiving her boyfriend and commencing a hate campaign about my friend.
Why do we blame the girl? Who owed this girlfriend nothing? And who infact, and this of no dispute, didn’t even know this guy had a girlfriend?
Insecurity. There can be no other reason.
Deal with your boyfriend. He let you down. And no-one else.
Plus remember – if we keep acting this way towards the girl in question, one day she won’t tell you what’s actually going on.
And then you really will look stupid.