I had a conversation this morning about a couple that are about to break up.
Seems that the lady in the half has met someone at work that she is wrapped up in a flirt-fest with..
Her family are advising not breaking up with her current boyf of three years.
They have reminded her that "the grass isn't always greener.."
It might not be. But it might be too.
This lady is very, very young.. And her current boyf is her only boyf.
To not see what else might be out there, is just not advisable.
She may always live with the regret of what if?
I think only several attempts at the dating experience gives you the wisdom of knowing that what you have, is worth the missing out on what you don't have..
I certainly look back at the boys I was interested in before hand, with the knowledge that the boy I am interested in now, is 105 times more of a man than they were or would ever turn out to be.
I would be miserable if I was still in a dalliance with my much unwiser dating experiences.
So I think the lady in question should do it - leap ahead and check it out!