So as I have already mentioned a few times this Sunday is Valentines Day.
And if you find yourself single, it can be a little dampening on your otherwise gorgeous spirit.
I've listed 14 ways below that you can do ensure you still embrace this Sunday..
1. Make yourself a breakfast of pancakes in bed. Don't forget the extra chocolate sauce.
2. Get a fabulous blow dry, put on your highest of heels and take your BFF out for an afternoon glass of champagne.
3. Take yourself to the movies, see whatever you like, sit where you like and get the biggest bag of popcorn and don't share it
4. Go group-dating (it will be a big thing in 2010, will by pass speed-dating as the cool)
5. Stay in your pj's all day and watch the entire series of Sex and the City.
6. Go through all your old photos, put on old 90's music and dance around. Suddenly you will remember a time more tragic than being single on Valentine's Day.
7. Take yourself off to a boxercise class. At the very least you can pretend to box the ears of one ex that broke your heart. Guaranteed you will feel liberated later.
8. Find a male friend that is also single and ask him to teach you how to play Call of Duty. The blood and violence will have you not thinking about being single in minutes.
9. Send a crush an anonymous love poem.
10. Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Embrace the fact that albeit single, you have a roof over your head and food tonight.
11. Lay on the couch all day reading one of the classics like Tom Sawyer or Oliver Twist.
12. Take yourself off to the RSPCA and adopt a new pet. Or if you can't adopt one, volunteer to help out just playing with one for the day.
13. Download episodes of last season's Glee and sing along at the top of your voice.
14. Sleep in, then run a bubble bath and use the most bubbles ever.
It's only one day and frankly I am really looking forward to it!