I was asked yesterday what made men decide to get married.
The reasons are definitely varied but I think there are two commons themes.
1) When their light is on. (as demonstrated in the below dialouge from SATC)
"Men are like cabs, when their available their light goes on. They awake one day and decide their ready to settle down, have babies, whatever, and they turn their light on. Next woman they pickup, boom, that's the one they'll marry. It's not fate, it's dumb luck."
I back this dumb theory up. Saying that, I need to elaborate that the women who said it are not dumb, but the men who act on it are.
Take my FMM for instance.
A few months ago, he told me he wasn't getting married until he was 35.
Ok... so 25, climbing a very promising career ladder - check, 27, great car - check, 28, work overseas - check and then 35 married. Check?
What if he hasn't met someone suitable to marry by then?
Does he just marry anyone and then get divorced seven years later?
Does he miss out on marrying someone amazing because he meets her before he turns 35?
I must ask him to clarify his POV..
2)No need to marry
I think men ask women to marry them so that other men don't. If you are already tied to a man with a mortgage, kids, pets, cars, bank accounts - then really, there is less chance of anyone else asking you first.
So men will stall for as long as they can, as there is no fight for the prize on their hands.
That's Wednesdays food for thought anyway.