Yesterday I overheard a conversation that I want to share with you...
Two girls were on the train talking when one remarked that her live-in boyfriend had just got her the greatest gift - ever.
"he is going to turn off his mobile, unplug the house phone and not turn on the laptop or the tv all weekend. he is just going to spend the whole weekend, hanging out with me. Really hanging out"
Her friend was impressed and so was I.
However whilst it's a fabulous gesture every now and then, there is also no reason why part of it, can't make an appearance every weekend.
A few hours on your days off of just you and your significant other; no computer, no tv, no phone.
Take a walk, cook a meal, go for coffee
I also like the idea of weekend traditions; friends of mine cook pancakes together for breakfast every weekend. Another pair have a BBQ breakfast every Sunday, just them and their little girl.
And family of mine have a roast dinner (or hamburgers in the Summer) every Sunday night with their kids and another family. The kids are all grown up now but they still come home every Sunday, sit around the table and just talk, the lot of them.
And every single one of them is given equal amount of the floor to have their say on what they have been up to during the week.
Sure beats any present I've ever received.. try it and let me know what you think!
PS I also am adversely against housework or grocery shopping on the weekend. Trial getting those chores done by Thursday night for a month and email me your feedback @ therelationshipdoctor.com@gmail.com.
I bet you have more time on your hands for just really hanging out and you'll notice a significant change of heightened happiness in your relationships if you do..