Victoria Rockefeller was quoted last week saying that "there were no problems in her marriage"
Carrying on the theme from my "Green Grass" post, it seems possible that Mr Rockefeller disagreed.
A few years back, over alot of coffee and champagne, a colleague of mine regulary spoke about leaving his girlfriend of seven years.
He said he was bored and that he missed the passion and the excitement that he used to feel.
But he was afraid that if he broke up with her, it would be all too hard to sort out their joint financials. That it just altogether seemed too hard to do.
He ended up marrying her. I cannot imagine it got any better.
I hope he doesn't go looking for something more exciting and I don't hear about him on the evening news.
NB The Relationship Doctor intends no disrespect to the Rockefeller family during this tough time.