What are your plans this weekend? Did you just say grocery shopping with your partner and the kids?
How tedious is grocery shopping! Add screaming kids, packed shopping centres, money woes, limited time free time and you have yourself a relationship recipe for diaster.
Need further proof? Friends of mine were married for ten years. Happiest couple ever on their wedding day. A couple of years later and sexy dinners out where swapped for shopping trips with the kids. The guy confessed to me when I learnt about his affair and subsquent new relationship, that he started to dread the weekends.
He knew it meant a predictable grocery outing. One where their 3 year old daughter would throw tantrums and people would stare, his wife & he would fight about how to deal with the child, what items to buy, how much money to spend, how hot it was, how often the husband looked at other women who didnt have screaming children, how bad the wifes reverse parking was and so forth.
He met a girl on the internet who listed grocery shopping as a pet-hate.
I don't understand it. Coles and Woolworths deliver right to your front door for $10.00. Even if it was $50.00 its far cheaper than a divorce..
NB - this advice cancels out if you are in a relationship with one of those rare guys who loves grocery shopping.. he probably cooks too right? I hope tonight you took him out for a sexy dinner then.