If you think that manners are something you save for your grandma or your boss, then you are wrong.
Nothing sexier than a classy girl, and manners equal class. So stop sending texts to your partner that just say "cool" or 'ok" and mix it up with a little "sounds great gorgeous" - you'll be pleasantly suprised with the response even if he is just saying that he is picking up the kids from school.
On the flipside, research shows that men respond better to straight commands ie "can you take out the rubbish" as opposed to "will you take out the rubbish" - change that to "can you take out the rubbish sexy" and frankly, your man will generally be so excited about being called sexy, that he will just do it!
PS Don't replace sexy or gorgeous for babe. That post is coming. Be prepared for babe to go. Far, far away..