This is a posting for those of you who are in a relationship. Probably have been for a year or so. And are wondering why your boyfriend isn't paying you as much attention as he used to. First thing I would do before I start bitching about him to all my friends - some self-relection!! Are you annoying?
I have a friend - lets call her Valerie. Very gorgeous girl! But she is soo annoying and I know her boyfriend thinks so too. Valerie will talk when his favorite tv show is on even when he repeatedly asks her not to. She will whine in a sing song voice "baaaby, get me a drink" whilst lolling about on the lounge. She will furthermore loll about on said lounge in a tatty old dressing gown with her arms and legs flung all over him as he sits perched uncomfortabley on the other end. She will cry at the drop of a hat and commence further whining until he attempts to fix it even when its nothing to do with him. When he takes her to the movies, she will talk all the way through it and when he takes her out to dinner, she will get out of her chair and sit on his lap.
She thinks she is being cute. I know something she doesn't. She isn't being cute - she is being annoying and her boyfriend is looking to meet other women on the internet.
Ask yourself right now - is your behaviour to your partner annoying or attractive? Would you want to spend time with you? I am quite sure not all of you are as bad as Valerie but a few minutes self-reflection won't hurt you and it defintely won't hurt your relationship!