I am always suprised when women say to me that they treat their partners badly because they can.
"He lets me get away with it but it doesn't really matter as I'm not that into him anyway"
Okay.. Apart from sounding like a complete bitch, the problem is this.
Learned behaviour.
If you treat someome badly, even if you think its ok because they are not your one, this bad behaviour will become second nature. And you will not know how to behave appropiately when you meet your soul shaker.
Need further proof?
A friend of mine dated a guy for a few years. He was a bad dresser, pretty chubby and his jokes were bad. However he loved her and would keep coming back for more every time she didn't answer his calls for days, was rude to him in front of her friends and just generally put him down all the time.
Eventually they broke up when she met someone else -someone that rocked her world. Problem was, she didn't know how to act in front of her friends with this new man.
One night, after a dinner out, her new boyfriend drove her home. "I won't be coming inside" he told her. "I don't think we should see each other anymore" She was shocked.
There is no excuse for bad behaviour. Spend the rest of today practicing being good to your guy - even if he is only Mr Right For Now.