Do you have a facebook.com profile? Ever been tempted to tell all 307 of your not very close friends how much your partner is making you mad?
Don't do it. It could kill your relationship plus there is NO excuse under the sun you could give me for telling all 307 of your not very close friends private information.
Need an example - I have a friend, lets call her Jane. Jane's boyfriend was fired reccently through no fault of his own.
So she and her boyfriend pulled their two year old out of child care and the boyfriend became the stay at home dad. If that wasn't emasculating enough for Jane's boyfriend - Jane updated her status on facebook to "Jane is worried about having no money for Christmas and hopes her family and friends don't expect much". Jane should expect to be dumped.
facebook is NOT the platform to air anything private about your relationship or your partner may just use facebook to find himself a new and nicer girlfriend. Think before you update. Or it may be all too late..