A wise woman once said that if a woman is sane 95% of the time, then perhaps come crazy has to come out somewhere somehow. Or something like that - to tell the truth I was only half listening as I was the crazy person in question.
You see, today, I was crazy. I sent far, far too many dramatic texts, (of the "I'm never ever talking to you again ever" kind) And I didn't take phone calls when it would have been extremely adult to do so. I am not feeling proud of it and it didn't achieve one single thing except make someone, who perhaps before this outburst thought I was really cool, now just think I am pretty cool.
Regretfully men have long memories for crazy as well. (Mostly because of Lorena Bobbit) Hopefully a three week visit to the UK will dull his memory or at least the cabin pressure during his 22 hr flight could affect it. One can only pray to a god if there is one..
Give this post some thought before your next outburst.. Crazy is not the cool and I guarantee you will end up feeling 100 times worse.