Men do it too, however, this blog isn't about beauty. Its about beliefs and bank balances.
I've mentioned before that your partner should be your equal.
Having a partner that is less intelligent, who earns less and has less of a life goal than you, makes something (ie a relationship) that is already tricky, trickier.
If you are an Executive Manager and your boyfriend is a front line staff member, whilst that is all very "love knows no boundaries" of you - it will struggle to work well.
If you don't have approximately the same money in your bank acccount, then you cannot afford to go to the same types of places without someone else (for the purpose of this blog, the woman) always having to foot the bill.
This is bound to lead to resentment on her behalf, which when I know women, will escape in a very crazy way. (objects thrown, irrational fights about clean sinks etc)
Likewise for beliefs, ie if your man believes that the Cronulla Sharks were just boys being boys during the gang rape allegations when you have a much more intelligent grasp on life, then this is also headed to more than just a healthy debate on social issues followed by healthy make-up sex.
Above all, this is not just about being on the same page. The above is not even being in the same book.
Need further proof? I have a friend that we will call Jane. Reccently Jane dated someone none of her friends understood. Her new boyfriend was far less clever, articulate and driven than Jane.
Towards the end of their six month relationship, they took a trip to Kuala Lumper. Excited about this getaway, Jane pictured romantic dinners and days by the pool. The Boyf pictured dinners split 50/50 and every kitsch tourist attraction under the sun. Jane wanted to visit the Thean Hou Buddhist Temples. The Boyf wanted to visit the Hard Rock Cafe. Ensure arguements aplenty.
Without similar beliefs, there is also no similar conversation.(Despite being in an exotic location. facebook features a morose looking couple who you would think, looking at the pictures, took a trip to Wagga).
On the way home, the relationship ended. Although not until Jane had given her ex-boyf $282.50 for the accomodation (50/50..)
All that aside, I think the biggest question here, is why would Jane and 10000's of other women do this? Why would a successful, attractive and clever woman date someone who wasn't any of those?
Answer - Insecurity. (Blog coming soon...)