Everyone wants to be that dreamy couple where the guy worships the ground she walks on even when the girl is a spoilt, crying, lazy, bratty mess. After all it's what fairytales are built on right? WRONG!! Name the fairytale where the girl acts like a bitch and gets it all her own way? I will go on and on about this as time goes by but I'll let you settle in first.
Which does bring me to another point - Sex and the City. Great tv series. I freaking loved it and own the box set. But it's a tv series - like Monkey Magic. So when Carrie tells you "not to settle for anything else but butterflies" always remember that somewhere on some guy tv series, some Carriesque likes character is telling men that too. Telling them to not put up with girls who don't dress in thier cutest nighties each night, girls that don't keep their legs de-fuzzed and girls that don't send their partners texts every now and then telling them that when they get home from work that night they can't wait to give them the best blow job of their life.
Remember that. Its lesson number one. You are not perfect. Don't fill your head with crap or this New Year's Eve will be crap too.