Are you interesting? What are you interested in? What are your interests? Did you just now answer something like shopping, the kids, the dog, my boyfriend??? ... zzzzzzzzzzz
Get serious!! Shopping is not an interest unless it is shopping for rare eqyptian teapots in far away Arabia. (sounds interesting does'nt it!!) Shopping is something that girls do because they can. Like when men scratch their testicles. So unless you think you would like to date someone who lists scratching his area as a hobby - stop saying shopping is yours.
Need further proof? I have a male friend called Stan who dated a gorgeous girl. Very, very pretty, sweet, great laugh; an all round nice piece of arm candy. And she had a hot figure, big breasts and kept herself in great shape. Stan dumped her. Stan who was on the chubby side and had a massive nose and really was much funnier than he was handsome. And still he dumped her. Why? He met a woman at work. Who was interesting. She was passionate about buying and then renovating houses, snowboarding, climate change, human trafficking, chinese art and breeding siamese cats. Stan's ex-girlfriend was passionate about shopping and Stan.
This weekend - get an interest. Better yet - get three!
NB Kids, i repeat kids, are not an interest. Do I need to repeat the scratching of the balls scenario to you again?