Girls love to over-analysis everything. And because of this, they often have 500 sometimes irrational issues going through their heads at any one time.
This can be very daunting for a man. Sometimes too daunting.
If this is you, I truly suggest the therapeutic love letter. I also suggest don't send it.
More often than not, the problem is, somewhat, in your head. And something you need to get out of your head and deal with. Often, just putting it down in full sentences, will make your head & your point feel clearer hence helping you move onto getting over it.
Need further proof?
A friend of mine named Stella has been dating a gorgeous man for two years. Not that long ago, she discovered that at the very start of their relationship (way before it got serious) there was an overlap with herself and someone else.
Stella was devastated to find this out and really struggled to cope with it. Her boyfriend could not see what the problem was as he has apologised heartfeltly 100 times as well poiting out to Stella that it was just a few dinners and a movie, nothing serious at all.
As hard as she tried, my friend couldn't get past it. And it would all too often rear its ugly head.
I suggested a letter.
So she penned a heartwrenching explanation of why she was so hurt.
Almost immediately she felt much better.
She told me she was so glad that she didn't instead insist on a "we need to talk" scenario with her man, as when it was on paper, it stood out that it was more to do with her own insecurities, than not trusting her man.
With this new attitude, she spent the $ she would of spent on postage to send this heavy letter and went out a bought a new nailpolish. In a fabulous pink shade to match her new thoughts about herself.